
Monday, February 23, 2009

NO madness

I was losing my sense of humor, and went searching for it ...

I went to the beach, it was raining and I was not prepared.
I went to the bakery, and ate a danish.
I went the internet and found all sorts of advice.
I went to The Canary Report's new social community network and found Linda's new blog with a post from one of my old-time funny guys Swami Beyondananda. It was JUST the thing I needed on this lack of humor Monday.

This is my favorite from Linda's post "SWAMI'S 10 GUIDELINES TO ENLIGHTENMENT", and something I think I'll clip part of that guideline to VARDOFORTWO so I'll see it everyday.
If we want world peace, we must let go of our attachments and truly live like nomads. That's where I no mad at you and you no mad at me. That way there will surely be nomadness on the planet. Peace begins with each of us. A little peace here, a little peace there. Pretty soon all the peaces will fit together to make one big peace everywhere.

Thanks Linda!


  1. I'm happy that I was somehow inspired to unearth more Swami wisdom when I did, and that it resonated with you.
    : )
    One of his quotes was so good that I colour-pencilled it on my wall, and it helped me through a very difficult year.

    It's so good to lighten up!

  2. Linda, Ain't it the truth! I love how the right stuff does come if you put the FUN before the mental. I passed Swami along to other pals since you posted ... and it's working.

  3. Oh goodie, this is too fun! :-)

  4. Susie,
    I didn't know the Swami talked pidgin and NOW I KNOW the guy's got blood. "I no mad you, you no mad me ... aiyah!" Doesn't Prez Obama need a Secretary of Laughter? I would vote "Yes" to that.

  5. LOL! I love it!!! very big grin on my face!

  6. Liberty! Humor must have heard its name being called, yes I see the grin. Glad to hear from you, been feeling you in retreat. Much aloha. Mokihana


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