Friday, October 31, 2008

Behind the scenes
New to blogging means I have plenty to learn. I'm working on learning how to keep the "Comments" available for all who are following and could learn from them. But I can't YET figure out what to do if a Comment needs to be deleted once posted. It's 'supposed to be easy' ... but that is not my experience. Bear (or is that bare) with me, and if you have any suggestions or experience with this ... Leave a post or email me at ssvardo@gmail.com
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
More about Milk Paint

Aloha, M
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Life Savers and Safety Nets

- Listen to the feelings you get when asking the questions. Your gut has intelligence called intuition. I've learned to trust it more and more.
- Listen to the answers (the words) and the emotives that you get when you ask your questions.
- Try to talk with both the receptionist (or whoever might be screening calls) and the practitioner herself. It's good to get a feel for the people in that office.
- Trust your instincts and your intuition; take notes as you do your phone interview.
- Take time to decide.
- Call a trusted friend, a pal who can know you did this very courageous thing.
- Give your self credit for this act of bravery.
One last thing. Here's a quote from a woman and healer-medical physician who has inspired me throughout my journey to be unafraid to seek wholeness in my relationships with any "lifesaver" or "safety net"...
"Serving is different from helping. Helping is based on inequality; it is not a relationship between equals. When you help you use your own strength to help those of lesser strength...we don't serve with our strength, we serve with ourselves...Service is a relationship between equals...Helping incurs debt...But serving, like healing, is mutual. There is no debt."
-Rachel Naomi Remens, excerpt from the article "In the Service of Life"
To link to an incredible site where I post a whole piece on Rachel Naomi Remen and where other HEROES OF HEALING connects you with a world of healers please go to Jenny Mannion's website: http://www.jennymannion.com/
Aloha, Mokihana
A Tale of Two Dears ... Sam and Sally have a brand new blog!
Check it out http://www.samandsally-vardofortwo.blogspot.com/
I envision being able to weave the watery Neptune-like fiction of Sam and Sally's life on the road with the shift in focus, step by tiny step to the building of the Vardo for Two. Ke Akua, the source of all creation has given Pete and me the gifts of Hope, Innovation and Appreciation. Sam and Sally truly have a brand new bag, of tricks.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Learn by doing

From the Kitchenette
That's me working from the floor of our yurt-like kitchenette. After six months of life on the road, living and sleeping in our Subaru Forrester the basement apartment kitchenette has become like paradise. Pete and I have retro-fit the kitchenette in this one bedroom apartment doing what it takes to create a safe haven bedroom/everything room. The wall I'm facing is actually a flannel sheet that has been washed free and clear. It's tacked with push pins into the opening between the carpeted living room with a fireplace that is a 'NO-NO ZONE' for me. A second sheet of barrier foil -- a lifesaver for many folks who live with MCS, called DennyFoil, seals the mold, old smoke-smell and deteriorating wood siding.
We have lived in the kitchenette since May of 2008, and began building the Vardo For Two in June. The vital ingredients for shifting out of a constant whirlpool of fear and flight, to a place of calm and healing have shown up here in the kitchenette in White Center. Those vital ingredients for us are:- a place to simply BE
- a space with sealable windows and doors that keep the outside 'triggers' out
- a place to sleep
- electricity to run my Austin Healthmate Jr. air purifier
- access to a hot shower, a toilet not used by thousands and a laundry that is has not been compromised with fragranced laundry soap and dryer sheets
- space to plug in a hot plate for a cup of tea, a toaster oven for cinnamon toast and a crockpot
- a sink to wash dishes
Life on the road has taught us to appreciate what is important. The vital ingredients from the kitchenette have become the foundation for our transforming life. I'm thinking this "From the Kitchenette" post might become a regular 'thing.'
What are your vital ingredients for a 'like paradise life'? What really matters?
Aloha, Mokihana
Saturday, October 25, 2008
When a shed is a home
Friday, November 7, 2008
I began this post two weeks ago when VardoForTwo was just being born.(This post shows the date of my original draft) I wasn't sure how to include Elizabeth Feudale-Bowls' story, yet. Now, I do. As I rested and recouped from the affects of a toxic exposure to dryer sheets I tracked down a followup story about Elizabeth. She is appealing the judge's ruling to tear her safe place down. The attention she is getting is a double-edged sword (geez I don't actually like that image, but ... perhaps you have another way of putting it). She is fighting for her safety and getting a lot of negative/positive attention. It takes a lot to do what she and her husband are doing. I've posted a comment on the Seattle Examiner on line article that invited feedback.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Multiple Chemical Sensitivities ... I don't know how to explain, so I'll tell you a story

Until you've been there, or have a loved one who lives with MCS (multiple chemical sensitivities) explanations are difficult and unfortunately few people really want to hear the details. This blog is a place to share our story. In many ways life with MCS can become a life as a fugitive ... trying to out-run the effects of a human society's choices to make and use chemicals that 'smell nice' but really mask the harmful reality of their nature.
VardoForTwo is a blog of hope, innovation and appreciation.
- With information and a network of supportive practititoners and folks living with mcs we have found hope. Soon a special place for our LIFESAVERS AND SAFETY NETS will focus on these wonderful earth angels and sites of support. We welcome your comments, questions and experiences, and would love to see VardoForTwo become a solution for more and more hope.
- This blog is an expression of innovation ... we are creating a place of comfort that is delightful to the senses, built to wander when necessary(or just because). We are in the process of building an MCS-Safe VARDO, a gypsy wagon for two. The Tiny Home option is filling a gap in the the picture we envision in today's world. IT's a fantastic example of practicing sustainable living. It requires real work to get from 'the American dream' to life in 100 square feet. The good news is there's a community of us who are doing the work, and finding the joy of it!
- We'll be connected by extension cord to people who know the challenges we face and are open to learning and collaborating with us. The idea of living small is not to live isolated. MCS isolates us from many things, our goal in building our Vardo For Two is to build appreciation for life that willingness to make it work by finding a way through differences. Building Intension Communities is not a new concept, but it will be new for us as we move toward pulling in the extension cord.
- The VardoForTwo is a tiny home 12 feet long x 8 feet wide, built on a solid NW built trailer to accomodate my special needs. It will be very gentle on the Earth at the same time. It's 'greener than green.' The times they are a chang'n and the way we live on Earth is chang'n too.
That's a picture of the dear Vardo For Two with her ribs sunning and the beginnings of her soon-to-be copper roof.
We will share the process we have lived as we discover, test and handle all the pieces, materials, paints, finishes and protocol required to build an MCS-safe Vardo. It's a journey that could not happen without a connection with All That Is ... the source of all life. In my culture of Hawaii we call that source of All That Is Ke Akua Mana Loa. With this source we co-create a better and better way.
I live with multiple chemical sensitivities -- an illness that makes living near laundry dryer sheets, perfumes and household cleaning supplies, pesticide-use, wood smoke and traditional building/construction like being in a war zone. My dear husband does not suffer the same debilitating effects from these commonly used products, but he lives with me. Instead of trying to explain again and again, why we have moved fourteen times in fourteen years/why we lived in our faithful Subaru Forrester for six months I wrote a short story a sort of fantasy. It was my way of trying to get my arms around a life that just couldn't be mine. The story is called A Tale of Two Dears. Click on the link below to read the whole story. www.samandsally-vardofortwo.blogspot.com
Thanks for visiting. Mokihana Calizar and Pete Little