Monday, May 11, 2009

Malama e MAKUA O`o

There must be a million different names for the rains that come through the glen and The Ledge. Today the winds have been still, then gentle and next steady and filled with misty rain. The Pond fills and empties a little and like today ... signs of the muddy bank are visible from the vardo.

Caring for my own changeable self I have enough energy to eat a tasty breakfast and then crumble back onto the bed ... it's nearly one in the afternoon and I've made the short crossing to The Big House to enter a bit of news. "Malama e Makua O`o" means care for the elder in training a new weekly post I hope to do on Mondays.

Our life here on The Ledge is deeply filled with nature's pace. It is not so much constantly any one way. The short-term observation after five weeks here on the Olympic high country is more like the notice of how rains and wind change in a stretch of sixty 'contrived' minutes. No doubt the elements were no watches to time themselves.

I care for the part of me that knows without reading it.
I care that that part will join in when needed.

Malama e makua o`o

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