Monday, November 16, 2009

New Moon, New Year

It's my birthday. I've had a cup of birthday brew with a spoonful of "Naked Coconut" Coconut Bliss to begin the day, a beautiful hot shower, a fresh lemon shampoo and toast with sunflower butter. The tropical storm that has drenched my isles of Birth (the Hawaiian Isles) with up to 17 inches of rain on the island of Kauai, is coming this way. Pete has lashed down the porch of the vardo with heavy strapping and drove stakes in the ground to secure our wee home as best he can. A few prayers to the gods will top off our preparation and then we're off on a car ride to pick up a re-fill of glutathione to support my dear lungs and immune system.

When I stepped from the little bathroom with my hair wrapped in my towel turban I found a plain brown envelope tucked beside my coffee cup. Inside a photo of my favorite pirate of the screens stood boldly on a birthday card for me. The card read:

PIRATES tell an ancient Legend of such immeasurable age, that it makes the seas themselves seem Y O u N g. In the story, YOUR NAME comes up quite a bit. Happy BirTHdaY.
iT was my vardo partner Pete, of course.
My keyboard partner has joined me to complete the birthday post. She's purring in for the perfect position (a new one facing me and looking me up and down).
My birthday comes with a new moon this year and a new moon is always filled the potency of possibilities. With a kitty in my lap, coconut bliss in my belly, my home battened down against the storm and a partner who loves me I would say this birthday is off to a very, very good start.


Joan Tucker said...

happy b day jt

Kiley said...

Happy Birthday! I'm glad to hear we were part of a wonderful day :)
We're sending our best wishes for weathering the storm.
Kiley from the Coconut Bliss office

Mokihana Calizar said...

Joan: thanks for the wishes!

Kiley: oh yes, the Bliss began my 62nd year and now I will put the coconut on top of the lemon tart of which we are not to enjoy for a dinner dessert! Love that Bliss.


Mokihana Calizar said...

Kiley: oopps that would be we WILL now enjoy that Bliss on the tart:)

Kiley said...

I'm glad to hear you WILL be enjoying the tart!
Again Happy Birthday!