The Astrological Houses and their Meanings
February is being a very full month for these two old dears. The Year of the Tiger in Aquarius has brought us a wave of clearing energy, and with Mars the planet of action still busy backing up (that is moving in retrograde) in Leo until March 10th I have taken the suggestion to use that Mars energy while it visits. Mars has been in Leo since December 20, 2009 so it's a bit of a long stay. When I read Donna Cunningham and CJ Wright's collaboration, it resonated ... ringing bells loudly enough to tame the ever-present ring in my left ear. Here's an example of how I use astrology to navigate. For nearly two years Neptune the planet of illusion and dissillusion as well as the planet some astrologers point to as inciter of 'mystery illness' was squaring off with Mars in my astrological life. That meant my natural ways of acting out, taking action, would be challenged. In no small way, my world of acting and moving was dissolved during the past two years when MCS steadily watered down all my notions of stability and actions. Pete has weathered the years of Neptune's by doing what he has learned to do most of his adult life: he builds and nurtures. He's a Crab with a very inquiring mind (Gemini), so he built our VardoForTwo and learned to ride the big waves with me, his Scorpio mate. Now, Pete is building a nurturing venture for his own dear self.
This post is not coming easily to the page, so much to explain and such insight to share. I stop *** breath naturally and ask my aging eyes (which seem to be saying, "New glasses, we think.") to stay with me as I try to keep my focus. Pete has just walked into the room and listened to my angst about this post. "I don't see why you don't change the zoon level. Magnify the screen." "How do I do that?" I ask. "Right there." I click on the little plus sign in the lower right corner and oh, that makes a difference." See what I mean. Relationships! And that is a perfect lead into what my Mars in retrograde work has been all about. "Relationships." Mars is in retrograde in my 7th and 8th houses. With the chart above and a copy of my Natal Chart showing the position of the planets, moon and sun (called the 'Transits') for this period of time, I zeroed in on the blessing of taking actions where it could do me the most good. Sorta like having the most fun with a visitor, this visitor being Mars in my House of Relationships ... "Partnerships of all kind and Marriage."
Here are the notes I made to myself during this Mars Retrograde with some of the actions I've taken to take advantage of my Leo charged Mars which is where Mars was in the sky when I landed here on the Green Planet. Again, thanks to Donna Cunningham and CJ Wright for the excellent information and timing suggestions for astrological navigation. Link here to that original post over on Auntie Moon.
- Keep your promises
- Solid relationships?: why do or don't they work
- Find the romantic you that serves the beloved
- Respect yourself and others
- Look for the lopsided and bring balance to it
- Listen to someone else's story without judgment
- Choose your battles
- Learn to barter so everyone wins
- See yourself through the eyes of others
- Commit to something or someone
- Set standards for yourslef as a role model and seek that in your partners
See you after 'Ole Pau. A hui hou, Mokihana
Mokihana, you brought that post off the page an gave it life, actually put breath into it. You've made it all worthwhile, and I am very grateful that you shared your story with us. You've inspired me to get my nose back to the Leo grindstone, as well, for the work never really ends, does it? Not if we're lucky, anyway.
Bright Moon blessings, Mokihana.
Wow! If we can inspire one another in a ping pong game that really lights the journeys it does make the swimming worth it. Thank you for teaching me to keep my eyes open for the bread crumbs.
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