Tuesday, October 13, 2009

We are in Bend, Oregon

Our trek south and east was a success. We are in Bend, Oregon in Central Oregon. Bernadette the old Dodge truck hauled the dandelion covered wagon at a slow and steady pace off the Ledge and onto the busy whirl of freeways and mountain passes. We were quite the site turquoise truck and tiny wee wheelie home followed by the trusty green 'Scout' the Subaru. Cars, trucks, semis and mammoth travel trailers passed us by for our speed was a consistent just 50 m.p.h. Slow and steady as the tortoise, we left the ledge for the nine hour journey.

Jots' protests (for she did so love the Ledge and woods that surrounded her) calmed after the first hour, as she slowly mellowed into the rhythm of the road.

The fall colors were brilliant all the way south and then we were blessed with the incredible shift in scenery through the passes that climb around Mt. Hood in Oregon. At it's steepest, the elevation was 4,000. Bernadette earned her reputation for a working truck. The old Dodge attracted as many attentive and admiring truck coos as the curious looks Kolea Nani received.

The gods of travel and wandering were with us getting us over the steep climb before last nights snow and the icy rain that we woke to this morning. We are settled in a field with two friendly Rescue Horses and a pair of twin kitties who love to hunt mice. In the near while, we hope to have a few pictures of the new and very different place where we live. The blog looks different now, for this life is surely a chapter yet to be written. More changes to the blog will evolve as we settle into our new encampment of living in tandem with other tiny home haven folks.

New and compassionate friends have made our journey to a winter encampment possible. Leslie and Tony and their Janie are the welcome party and positive attraction fueling a dream of MCS-safe tiny haven community. There will be more about this dream of community to come from Vardo For Two. For now it is simply grand to note of the Wall of Dreams ... "Yes! A kind and reassembled reality is possible."

One of the miracles that we enjoyed last night was a sumptuous and lovingly prepared dinner of organic greens, beets, yams, rice and mahi mahi. We all helped with parts of the cooking in the straw bale home of our new friends. In a chemical and fragrance free home the invisible yet all encompassing vigilance that we who live with MCS carry was left on pegs, and for the first time in such a long time we enjoyed relaxed and real conversation and support. No excuses or distancing physical maneuvers (avoiDANCING) were necessary for that whole evening. A real kitchen, modifications that an MCSers noticed and breathes easily with, all made for a first meal in Bend, Oregon a great treat.

We laughed, enjoyed the new revelations and development of knowing that comes from making new friends with common and focused attention to a reassembled view of life on Planet Earth. Fun!

We'll be back with more from Vardo For Two in the while.
A hui hou,
Mokihana and Pete

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