Friday, February 27, 2009

DREAM COMING TRUE WEEK 17: Short and Sweet

Dear Readers,

Every week I make a point of nurturing our dream of building and living in VARDOFORTWO. Today I keep it short and sweet with my intention to notice and declare in positive language the things and people I appreciate.

This 17th Week I appreciate these 10 things:

1. I appreciate sunny mornings.

2. I appreciate the sound of geese as they fly past my window.

3. I appreciate the smell of cinnamon.

4. I appreciate a heart-felt story.

5. I appreciate Swami Beyondananda.

6. I appreciate my friends.

7. I appreciate innovation.

8. I appreciate naps.

9. I appreciate hot soup on a cold night.

10. I appreciate Pete.

Hear a gal singing about her favorite things. If you like Julie Andrews, you'll love this~~

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Have a great day, a wonderful hour, a peace hand-full of minutes~~

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