Thursday, February 26, 2009

Prayers for a Sister ... you are loved and supported

I have just opened an email from a dear friend here in Seattle, she was writing to ask all of us in the Seattle Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Support Group to send a note of support. Another of the chemically wounded is "living on the fringe of society to night" ... her family has left her because they don't believe the woman's experiences are real. Many of us with MCS have or do live on the fringe of society. That's one of the most painful realities of this illness -- many people, including those closest to us may not get it.

It's late here, almost 10 PM, and at this point, the day and night have filled us up ... and over. I hear Pete in the kitchen washing up the dishes. I know he will be stretched out beside me in a little while. Dear Creator, Angels and Fairies, Guardians of the Wounded cradle this dear woman in a time of such despair. I know the angst of isolation and know how bottomless the pain can be. I add my prayer and send it into the collective wave of goodness and love her way.

Me ke aloha dear friend. You are loved and you are not alone.

Dear Readers if you can relate and wish to ... simply add your thoughts, send her your love and if you wish add a comment of support to this woman in need living alone in Seattle. We are all connected, and we've been there. Ever thankful for the small and large gifts. Good night, Mokihana


Liberty said...

I am holding her in Light.
This is a very hard journey to travel and I pray for love to be present in her life throughout it - in tangible ways she can feel.
Sending love her way.

Mokihana Calizar said...

Thank you Liberty~