Thursday, March 5, 2009

BUILDING THE VARDO: We have a cozy roof

March 2009 ... VARDOFORTWO is roofed and as you can see, if you look closely, it's on there just in time to keep us cozy from the rain.
(See the drips running over the edge?)
Pete's already inside tapping in wall insulation and the stainless steel panels for the walls.
The tiny fairy lights will be our major lighting source ...
Pete's in there working with the lights on.
A view of the new roof without rain.
The full top view of the roof.
It's a metal roof
24 gauge sheet metal, with Kymar 500 paint (baked in).
Assembled using a technique traditional metal workers would recognize as 'the only way to do it'
with smooth cleated seams and crimped edges.
Thank you Joe Neal, Pres. of VSM Contractors

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