Monday, December 8, 2008

Some things change, some things stay the same

The seeds are dancing to the music of jazz on the radio!

"Some things change, some things stay the same." I remember writing that years ago. Today, living with multiple chemical sensitivities teaches me how fluid reality is ... truth comes in, truth goes out...what was once safe, isn't. What does remain true though does come back around and if I'm looking I accept the invitation and welcome 'it' back. On the same day, any day, there are somethings/beliefs that change and need to be released ... sometimes the release is simple and easy, and other times it's deeper and uncomfortable.

Here are a few things going on in that change/no change department:

1. I appreciate massage (because it feels great) and yet I was not prepared for the deep release of toxins from my first deep tissue massage in nearly two years. Some would call what I'm going through a 'healing crisis' others say it's 'detoxification.' I remember now that when I began work at the Anne Wigmore Foundation I went through deep cleansing...heat (like hot flashes, but longer and more often), weakness. Enough on the details. What is important for me to remember and report is it's valuable not to stop the process, instead I comfort myself ... don't judge the feelings, rest as much as it takes and recognize that the shift in my mood (from positive to not) is part of the process not a final resting place.

2. There's room for seeds, we can grow things in a tiny space! When we packed up and moved from O`ahu we left things behind ... books/tools/teaching material. What didn't change though was our belief that seeds and living food has a place in our life. LOOK AT THOSE SEEDS GO!! Yippee, they are SO TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH LIGHT AND LOVE. What a concept, yes?

3. Patient and diligent ... turtle style speed works. We thought we'd be living inside VARDOFORTWO by now. We've living in the kitchenette, and the Vardo is growing organically...the front wall is sided, painted and waxed. (Thank you Pete. You get why Pete is on my weekly 10 things I Appreciate list!)

If you've had experiences with healing crisis or detoxification, what was it like? Care to comment, or email?


Anonymous said...

Response to #3: House building always takes twice as long and costs twice as much as originally thought! It's some sort of universal law like death and taxes. After it's all done and you are finally in it, the waiting time will collapse in on itself and disappear, and you will be safe and sound in the VARDOFORTWO. Remember, the honu always wins the race.

Mokihana Calizar said...

Mahalo, Susie. That honu is a great teacher.

Anonymous said...

Those seedlings are adorable!! Good for you.

Mokihana Calizar said...

Akemi, those seedlings are full of life and such inspiration to be the same. Nice to hear from you ...smiles and hugs your way.

Anonymous said...

What you're doing with the seeds is new to me and I'm not sure I understand it. You don't eat the seeds? You don't soak and eat the seeds? You soak them in water, lay them in a pan, entertain them, and let them sprout? Then what?

Mokihana Calizar said...

Hello Anonymous. These are great questions. We have soaked them to 1) release the enzyme inhibitors that surround all living/raw seeds 2) get them to begin sprouting.

These seeds are growing IN A TRAY OF ORGANIC SOIL and will grow into greens we will eat. The wheatgrass grows just like a lawn would and will be cut at about 4 inches, juiced in a juicer and we'll drink that. The pulp from the wheatgrass we'll use as poltices. We've used wheatgrass poltices on a burn/cut/sunburn(not likely in Washington today). The sunflower and buckwheat grow into 4-6 inch sprouts that are delicious and inexpensive greens to eat as a salad vegetable.

We cut the sprouts and wash 'em off with Grapeseed Extract diluted in water.

Soak, entertain and sprout seeds for fun AND A VERY INEXPENSIVE SOURCE OF ORGANIC, GOOD FOOD.

Thanks again for the great comment. Mokihana