Aloha. It's still morning here in the Pacific Northwest and I'm on my second cup of tea with coconut milk and honey. Deliciously simple and always appreciated. I looked forward to writing this post for days skipping, as in delightfully moving through the things, people, experiences for which there is appreciation. Time passes so quickly and without stopping to collect all that skipping I could very easily SKIP IT as in 'miss out.'
This series of writing posts about my DREAM COMING TRUE challenges me to attract the best dreams possible. So, as I prepared to write I filled my faithful Salvation Army treasure of a mug with hot water, dunked the tea bag and let it begin to seep. I thought to myself, "If you leave it you will be drawn into the search and then ...cold tea." Well half true, this cup is lukewarm and YES I was drawn into a marvelous morning find. I will add that find to my "List of 10 things I appreciate".
This week my original $100 dream money has grown to $400 (each week I write a Dream Coming True post my money doubles.)
This week I spend my $400 on: a day trip to Victoria, B.C. to enjoy high tea at the Empress Hotel with Pete.
My "List of 10 Things I appreciate" this week are:
1. I appreciate serendipity. (This link should get you to BRAD YATES, The Wizard of EFT. He was my marvelous morning find, re-introduced to a process forgotten, and a style that is light and joyful.)
2. I appreciate clean air to breathe.
3. I appreciate baking soda.
4. I appreciate migration.
5. I appreciate the ocean.
6. I appreciate the growth and visitors to our twin blogs http://www.vardofortwo.blogspot.com/ and http://www.samandsally-vardofortwo.blogspot.com/. MAHALO NUI LOA KAKOUA! (thank you so much)
7. I appreciate friendships that endure.
8. I appreciate my keen senses.
9. I appreciate laughter.
10 I appreciate Pete.
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